Dehydration in Summer: How to Stay Hydrated?

Dehydration is a problem that can become serious quickly, especially in summer. The heat, the activity away from home, the carelessness … can play tricks on us. But we can try to prevent this problem by paying a little attention to the right signals.
Why does Dehydration occur?
As the name implies, dehydration occurs due to a lack of fluid in the body. But not only occurs by water, but also by the lack of mineral salts in the blood plasma. Dehydration occurs when the loss of body water exceeds 3% of the total. This can be caused by excess heat, especially if there is a lot of humidity, as it prevents the body from reducing body temperature . Also due to intense exercise or not drinking enough fluids. Normally, by a combination of all these factors.
It also occurs in those diseases where the hydroelectrolytic balance is altered. Blood plasma is a complex liquid in which there are all kinds of dissolved mineral and organic substances, being transported from one part of the body to another, according to our needs . When there is a decrease in fluid or salts, the plasma balance shifts, causing various problems that manifest as dehydration.
It is important to understand that the balance of mineral salts plays an essential role in dehydration. Rarely, a phenomenon of hyperhydration poisoning occurs. This goes through an excess of water with a low amount of mineral salts. Although, normally, these cases are mild, drinking a lot of water in a short time can cause excessive work of the renal system, ending in a lethal collapse.
How to prevent Dehydration?
As we said, dehydration, fortunately, has a relatively simple solution: drink enough. In some cases, it will be convenient to use isotonic drinks, but they are quite concrete cases of loss of mineral salts. With drinking enough liquid , between a liter and a half and two liters a day, it would be more than enough . Eating foods high in water also helps.
If you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors on a hot day, it will be convenient to wear appropriate clothing for the activity to be developed. Especially important is on hot days but with wind, since the thermal sensation can deceive us and the breeze can accelerate dehydration.
Wearing loose clothing and protection from the sun , but that perspire, can help avoid the problem. In case of dizziness or thirst, the first signs, it will be necessary to rest for several minutes, sit in the shade or in a cool place and drink plenty of fluids, although with peace of mind.
In the case of practicing a sport or participating in an intense physical activity, it is necessary to hydrate well by drinking some liquid before starting the activity , in addition to doing it at regular intervals, approximately 20 minutes. Of course, organizing is also necessary. The best time to train or play sports is first thing in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid the hottest hours of the day and, with it, possible dehydration.