New rules to acquire vehicle pass comes into effect

Vehicle Pass new rules

District Administration Office(DAO), Kathmandu has implemented a new arrangement for distribution of vehicle passes. The office has issued a notice today to make new arrangements for the distribution of passes for the operation of businesses and industries.

A meeting of the Council of Ministers held last week had decided to bring 44 types of industries into operation by modifying the lockdown modality. Accordingly, the Kathmandu district administration has made a new arrangement for vehicle pass to facilitate the operation of industry and business.

According to the information, the District Administration Office, Kathmandu will issue passes only for unspecified and urgent work that has not been outlined by the regulatory body. But, all business and industry are required to apply for vehicle passes at the concerned regulatory body or Ministry office.

A 7-day pass with a yellow serial number issued earlier will be valid for the lockdown period.

Similarly, employees of government offices, banks, financial institutions, insurance and cooperative offices will be able to move freely by showing a valid identification card provided by their institution.

Vehicles transporting food items, health goods, construction materials, industrial raw materials and finished goods, all types of materials related to agriculture and livestock production will not be required vehicle pass. Similarly, ambulance, hearse ,drinking water, and gas do not require a pass.

Offices issuing vehicle passes are listed below :

Vehicle Pass new rules Kathmandu

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