Buddha Air brings state-of-the-art simulator for pilot training

Buddha Air ATR Flight Simulator

Buddha Air, a private airline company, is going to start training it’s pilot by using a state-of-the-art simulator for ATR aircrafts.

Pramod Thapa, senior captain (instructor pilot) of the company, said that the pilot can get information about the technical system through the simulator. ‘This is ATR’s type specific simulator. Its layout is exactly the same as the aircraft. If at any time the system of the ship fails (hydraulic, pressurized), training can be given through this simulator about the result and solution, ‘he said.

He informed that it will be easy to give technical training to the pilot through this simulator which includes all the equipment available in the aircraft. ‘This simulator has skill test and knowledge test. According to the model, the pilot will know about the flight system through all the simulators, ‘he said adding further,’ This simulator training will be effective to get information about the weather, engine condition, fuel, direction etc.

The simulator, which Buddha Air bought four months ago from a French-based ATR company for EUR 500,000, was installed a few days ago. Due to the lockdown, the company has not been able to conduct the training through the latest simulator. The company is preparing a new facility for conducting training from the latest simulator.

“Before, pilots had to be sent abroad for system training. Now that ATR’s simulator has arrived, the cost of going abroad will also decrease, ‘said an employee of the company.

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